Parents in Flesh.
Children at Heart.
Most portrayals of parents in movies, online ads, and commercials on tv tend to fall into one demographic. There are so many types of parents in this world, and we are on a mission to bring support and resources to this community of young parents from all walks of life.
What Does it Mean to be “Young With Kids”?
Becoming a parent is one of the best things that can happen in a lifetime. Don't let that take away from who you are on the inside. Our society often scrutinizes parents who don’t “grow up” when they apply their own parenting style. Rather than forcing ourselves into an idea of a mature parent, why not embrace what makes us unique and use that as leverage in our engagement with our kids and the people in our life?
Young With Kids is a Community of parents rising to the challenge of being a parent and pursuing our dreams.
This community is all-inclusive: Focused less on the age or parenting style, and more on the lifestyle of what being “young” represents. To be young is to be immature or inexperienced. Oftentimes these words hold negative meanings in the way we use them. For this application of these adjectives, let's look at the benefits of being such. Acknowledging that we don’t know it all, we can come together to help one another learn and grow as we watch our children do the same.
Community Resources.
We wanted to create a platform that celebrates young parents. But we want it to be more than just a publishing platform to drive views/likes/engagements, we want this to be a hub of resources for parents to find inspiration, get help with issues, and share ups and downs as we navigate the journey of parenting.
There are many great projects in the works for the YWK community, so please sign up for email updates below to stay in the loop.