I Broke My Back... Now What?

Last Sunday, I was playing in a flag football game, as a part of our church's adult league. As you may know, I always give 110% in everything I do. Especially when it comes to athletics. Well during this particular day of athletics, I went up for an interception. Upon reaching my maximum hight, I collided with the other players' leg, which caused my body to rotate to where I was parallel with the ground (see the picture sequence below). I landed on my side from about 5 and half feet in the air. Instantly I was breathless. I hit my head so hard, it jogged my memory of a few seconds prior to the impact. Instantly I knew that something was wrong. I never before in my life experienced this level of pain.

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5 hours of waiting in the Hospital and one CT scan later, the doctor informs me that I have fractured my TP (transverse process) on three separate vertebrae. To make a long story short, one week later, I am four weeks away from picking up with light training. My spine specialist suggests that I shouldn't have a problem competing in the IRONMAN in June (phew!). Only setback is the amount of training that I am missing during this month long recovery :(

Lesson Learned

I now know the value my presence and performance has on my family. Not to mention the effect it can have on my goals and dreams. Football is no longer, and I will process the way I compete in other sports in the future. Basketball will never go away, but I will work on changing my style of play to help protect myself from something like this.


Our Car Broke Down...


Behind the Drive