YWK: Coming Soon

Parents in flesh. Children at heart.

Anyone can be a young parent. It's not a matter of age, it's a matter of perspective. To be young is to embrace our immaturities. We don't have it all figured out, but together we can continue to grow as parents.

Why are you doing this?

As young parents ourselves (4 kids by the age of 26) we have found ourselves all alone when it comes to modern support that is relevant to the progression of culture we live in here in The States. We are putting together this community to help create content and provide resources to parents looking to collaborate, grow and share their parenting experiences with other young parents.

So what's the plan?

Starting this Fall (2018), we will be releasing a number of YouTube videos, hosting local events, and posting resources here on this site to help encourage the growth of the YWK community. We will be slowly introducing new tracks of content to the mix as we bring on more contributors. Our goal is to share this journey with others, so we want to encourage others who have an interest in leading their own channel or group within the YWK umbrella.

To start things off, we will be focusing on Brecky Breck and our main Young With Kids channel. You can read more about our different channels here: CHANNELS

How to get involved

If you haven't already figured it out, Young With Kids is an assemblance of creators, contributors, sponsors, supports and viewers. It takes a team to make something like this successful, so we want to invite you to be a part of this team. Whether you are interested in getting involved as a blog contributor, or if you simply want to voice some ideas, we encourage you to reach out and tell us what you got! Check out the options below for getting in touch.

Please share the Young With Kids story and don't forget to head over to our YouTube page and Subscribe.



What is Young With Kids?


Our Improvising Adventure