What is Young With Kids?

Most portrayals of parents in movies, online ads, and commercials on tv tend to fall into one demographic. We are tired of not having an equal representation of parents. There are so many types of parents in this world, and we are on a mission to bring support and resources to this community of young parents from all walks of life.

We want this community to be all-inclusive. We are focused less on the age or parenting style, and more on the lifestyle of what being “young” represents. To be young is to be immature or inexperienced. Often times these words hold negative meanings in the way we use them. For this application of these adjectives, we look at the benefits of being such. Acknowledging that we don’t know it all, we can come together to help one another learn and grow as we watch our children do the same.

Parents in flesh. Children at heart.

Becoming a parent is one of the best things that can happen in a lifetime. Don't let that take away from who you are on the inside. Our society often scrutinizes parents who don’t “grow up” when they apply their own parenting style. Rather than forcing ourselves into an idea of a mature parent, why not embrace what makes us unique and use that as leverage in our engagement with our kids and the people in our life?

The YWK Community

We wanted to create a platform that celebrates young parents. But we want it to be more than just a publishing platform to drive views/likes/engagements, we want this to be a hub of resources for parents to find inspiration, get help with issues, and share ups and downs as we navigate the journey of parenting.

We are planning on building YouTube channels, growing our contributor blog, and hosting some pretty awesome YWK Meetups/ events. We will focus on two perspectives; Content for the kids and content for the parents. All new videos, blogs, and resources coming mid-September.

Family Friendly YouTube

YouTube is such a valuable platform in this time of the internet. The problem is that there is a lot of content that is not safe or appropriate for our kids, even though it might be categorized as Children’s. Our goal with YouTube is to create and collaborate with a few channels that meet certain criteria for “child-friendly content.” We will be working with YouTube and partners alike to produce videos and compile YouTube Playlists that will allow parents to give their children access to safe YouTube content.

Be sure to Subscribe to our main Young With Kids YouTube channel to catch all of the latest videos as we launch this community.

YWK Website & Blog

In addition to all of the video content shared from YouTube, we will be hosting a barrage of blog content on the Young With Kids website. We want to encourage all aspiring writers, educators, and creators to use this platform to help grow an audience, refine the craft, and collaborate with other amazing parents. You don’t have to have a huge following to be a contributor.

If you have something you want to share whether it is a one-time blog post or a recurring series idea, we want to hear from you. Let’s put our heads together to help make a positive impact online that will be a resource to many other parents in search of a community to call their own.

Live Events & Meetups

Our YWK office is located in Portland, Oregon. We will be hosting a number of events ranging from workshops to zoo days all over the Northwest. As our community grows and spreads, we want to encourage other YWK contributors to host events in other parts of the country/world.

If you have an event idea or want to partner with any of our already scheduled events, be sure to let us know! The more hands we have in the details of these events, the more we can make sure to cover the ground needed to make this a success.


Who is Brecky Breck?


YWK: Coming Soon