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Frankie the Traveling Cat

Frankie the Traveling Cat: “Currently traveling the USA with a family of 6 (@youngwithkids). I’m 14-years-young and living my best life. Here are some pics of my handsome self.”

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Blog, BTS, Motivation Blog, BTS, Motivation

Truck Problems #1

Kylan hitchhiked in the back of a construction truck to the nearest auto parts store, downloaded a YouTube vid his brother sent, skateboarded all the way back to us, fixed the problem, and we’re finally back on the road right before sunset!

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Blog, BTS, Motivation Blog, BTS, Motivation

I just love this dude.

I just love this dude. I’m over here learning how to let go of pointless stress. He’s over here living every moment to the fullest. I’m like, “so... what’s the next plan? Do you need to go find internet to work? Today isn’t going how I imagined it.

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