Is Work-Life Balance a real thing??

Is Work-Life Balance a real thing??


We sometimes feel the need to choose one or the other. As entrepreneurs, we fear that the perfect work-life balance doesn't exist. In an attempt to avoid falling into a rut or 
a boring life, we look to the entrepreneur world for guidance.

Rather than succumbing to the pressures of hustle culture (giving up everything for the pursuit of a good idea), it is important to remember that success is subjective to your perspective. Sometimes this pressure comes in the form of desiring stability and/or creating an adequate lifestyle for your family.

"If your idea of success is the product of your work, rather than the work itself, you might be disappointed with the results."

This means that you might not be as happy as you expected if you make sacrifices to achieve something to which you don't take joy in the journey. Truly happy/successful people will tell you that it was their passion that led them to success, not the other way around.

It can be helpful to see other parents pursuing their passions. Entrepreneur Magazine put together a list of family-focused entrepreneurs who share what work-life balance means to them.

How do you respond to the pressures of work-life balance while pursuing your passions for something greater??

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