Indian Cove Campground at Joshua Tree National Park left us in awe

Indian Cove Campground at Joshua Tree National Park left us in awe. We had an incredible time there and highly recommend it this time of year (75 and perfect the entire time). 😱😭 My heart is so full right now. It’s redic. 💕

Kylan went into town to work from a coffee shop for a few hours on a couple of the days we stayed there. The kids and I read books, played in the dirt with legos, colored, climbed rocks, got filthy... it was all so amazing. I’m so happy right now! What a blessing this season is for me!

I get so overwhelmed by social media sometimes, then I put my phone down, look at creation and my precious family, and it all disappears. Still trying to decide what vlogging would add/take-away from it all. In the meantime, I’m thoroughly enjoying every moment of this simple life.


Parked in a deserted lot behind a Starbucks for 4+ hours


Our Sweet Little Space We Now Call Home