I just love this dude.

I just love this dude. I’m over here learning how to let go of pointless stress. He’s over here living every moment to the fullest. I’m like, “so... what’s the next plan? Do you need to go find internet to work? Today isn’t going how I imagined it.” Kylan is the best. He’s all like, “chill baby! Just live and breathe! This is what it’s all about!” He hasn’t actually said that exact phrase, but his mood and body language say it all. I love him so much.

He’s currently in Starbucks working while I watch our sleeping kids and write this post about him. Privacy is hard to come by out here on the road with our kids, but we’re creative and communicate like champs. As long as us spouses keep our emotions on the table in plain sight, we’re good, right? I’m the one that gets quiet and sleepy when feeling overwhelmed. But the longest this man has ever let me go is about 2-3 hours. After that, it’s time to pull up the big girl panties and talk. Or at least start the transition to process and not just sit in my poopy diaper (me being a mom brings out the best word-pictures, I know). Anyway, Kylan, I love you. My bad for sitting in my poopy diaper a little too long today. 🤗




Visiting Grandparents at a Dirt Resort