The kids are growing - Another cheesy post, you’re welcome

We’ve been in Palm Springs at a @thousandtrails RV resort for the last week (we’ll be here for another 5 days). And it has been a blast! We’ve been swimming multiple times a day, doing crafts at the rec lodge, exploring Palm Springs, and attending the Pickleball National Championship (the whole reason we decided to stay here). We signed up with @thousandtrails the day before we got here and are so glad we did! Being a member is going to save us a ton of money. 🤘

The kids are growing leaps and bounds, and so are we. We wake up everyday overwhelmed by the bedding spread about the trailer (we need more space), but SO HAPPY AND EXCITED. This is the beginning of an amazing story and we can feel it! Kylan and I feel so strongly that God has put us on this adventure for more reasons than we set out for! The people we’ve met, the encouragement we’ve gotten, it’s all been so amazing. I know I sound so fruity to the RV veterans reading this, but I hope to inspire more families to drop the status quo and jump! Jump into whatever brings you JOY!

Here’s a video of Miles and Briar swimming without their “floaties”. I knew they probably could’ve been swimming without them for a while now, but I grew up with a deep fear of water and I let that linger over them. Since completing the Ironman 70.3, I’ve realized that fear really does keep you on lockdown. I’m breaking off fears everyday. Not only on myself, but the fears and control of my kids. I want to bless them with my trust and respect. My message to them: “You can do anything you put your mind to, and you can do it on your own time. I won’t force you anymore. I trust that your creativity, passion, and desire to learn will take you to the next open door you’re prepared to walk through. I love you. Don’t let you’re achievement-focused-mother get in your way.” 🙌

Signing off with another cheesy post! You’re welcome 😎 -Breck


Palm Springs was a blast.


Dude! This is my life! Who even cares?! Not me!