Truck Problems #1

We left Palm Springs later than we had planned (had to wait for some parts to arrive in an amazon locker). Got on the road, had an oil leak, took a detour to get it checked out. They said something had gotten in between the seal. They gave us an oil change, pressure washed the engine for us, cleaned it all up, and we were on our way again! Now it’s getting dark and we’re still 4 hours away from a site we had booked. Coming up this beautiful moon-lit valley around 10:00 pm, Greta randomly threw up all over the place. We pulled over, gave her a bath in the sink of the trailer while Kylan cleaned up her seat, and drove to the nearest Walmart to call it a night.

This morning, we went to the laundromat to clean her car seat insert and clothing, and then the kids and I played around at some stores waiting for Kylan to respond to some emails. Finally got back on the road still two hours away from the campsite we had reserved. About 15 miles into the drive, our truck started overheating (among other dashboard signals). We pulled over, Kylan checked it out and called on his Ford fanatic bro, @trustinjohnson to figure out what was wrong. But upon digging, found fragments of the belt all over.

Kylan hitchhiked in the back of a construction truck to the nearest auto parts store, downloaded a YouTube vid his brother sent, skateboarded all the way back to us, fixed the problem, and we’re finally back on the road right before sunset!

As the kids and I were chilling in a field on the side of the road, we decided that we were having a blast. “Good thing it’s beautiful out here! And not even hot!” -Miles “And we have food, water, and games!” -Briar “yeah, and we don’t have to really be anywhere because we don’t even have a schedule!” -Miles.

I’ve changed a lot and I love this life. Just chill bro. That’s all I gotta say.

Ps: watching Kylan solve a problem and maintain a happy attitude the entire time is a sure sign of an adventurous leader! Love you @kylanjosiah! Every aspect of this journey has been fun with you!


“This is the happiest I’ve ever been.” -Kylan Johnson


Palm Springs was a blast.