back in our original neck of the woods

We’ve been back in our original neck of the woods for the last week and it has been so much fun! It’s weird being “home” with no house to go to. Being in a trailer has made us intentional about seeing our friends and family, and has kept us exploring and moving around. So far it’s been pretty dry too! We’re currently in Seaside, OR and it just rained for the first time today. Our kids were pumped about it. We’ll see how long that excitement lasts, but before we know it, we’ll be experiencing different climates and landscapes again. We’re soaking in every bit of this holiday season here in the PNW. I can’t wait to spend more time with family and meet more babies! Of my close friends and sisters-in-laws, we’ve had 4 new baby girls born within the last month and one yet to be born! The sweet little one pictured is Fern and her amazing mommy, Kari, and one of her two big sisters, Rosie. 😍 Kari and I met at a park near our house a few years ago, realized we were next-door neighbors (a couple of doors down), and became close friends instantly. I love you so much, Kari!

Anyway, I’m loving this adventure so much. Miles helped me with the dishes last night while the other 3 were quietly reading books and he said, “Thank you so much for deciding to move into this trailer, mom. This is way better than staying still in our big house.” Although it has it’s challenges, I strongly agree with my little man. I’m feeling pretty blessed to have the opportunity to spend this season of life so close together with Kylan and our kids.


Shoutout to the best oldest son a mom could ask for.


Right when you think Idaho may not have much to offer, it delivers.