Shoutout to the best oldest son a mom could ask for.

Shoutout to the best oldest son a mom could ask for. He helped me with the dishes last night saying, “mom, whenever you feel overwhelmed, you should ask for help! Doing these dishes with you goes by fast. It’s not even a big deal!” And a couple of weeks ago while at The Grand Canyon he had a morning meltdown and then moments later sat at the breakfast table and randomly said, “Hey everyone, I just want to apologize for starting the morning off rough. I want to have a good day. I’m sorry.” 😱😭😱😭 Miles and I (and I’m sure everyone else in our family) are learning and growing leaps and bounds.

I love this boy so much and am blown away by his love for others. When kids are toddlers, you kind of wonder when/if their empathy trait is going to show up, and then, sure enough, you realize God knows what He’s doing in the design of these wee ones. You don’t need to worry about it. Just be a parent, be nice to the people around you, and they’ll watch and learn. They always are. I love you, Miles.


We played, colored, read books, wrestled, did “school”, washed the dishes, ate food.


back in our original neck of the woods