Hitting the Road

This morning we set out on a grand adventure!

Here’s the story: A few weeks ago, I was about to order some furniture for our new rental, when I saw a friend on my Facebook share photos of a remodeled van a family was about to live out of. I thought to myself, “that looks like a blast! Wait a minute... Kylan works from home... what are we doing here?” Kylan recently transitioned out of CoLab (the coworking space he started) and has been working from our home office. I walked into our little office and said, “Hey, Can we talk about our life for a second?” The ideas, emotions, and passion started flying! “LET’S DO THIS!!!” As a mom who likes to have everything a certain way, feel pressured to keep up the home landlords rent to us and micro-manage everything, this sounded like a time to grow and breathe. I love spontaneity and adventure, so this will be a memory-making opportunity to focus on exploring as a family!

We’ve lived in Vancouver for 8 years, and have made the most incredible relationships with amazing people. We will miss our friendships and the memories we’ve made so much! 😭

Driving away from Vancouver with everything we deem a necessity was freeing. I look at this truck and trailer and think, “this is all I need.” My little family, our clothes, and a few toys. 😉

Our first official stop is going to be at @vidsummit in Los Angeles, California! (Vid Summit is a YouTube conference) We’ll be camping in a few fun spots along the way though, as the conference starts on Tuesday. 🎉

If you want to follow along on our adventures, feel free to follow @ywkvlog. We plan to start documenting some of this adventure (the good and bad). Oh! And Ps: Brecky Breck will now explore life outside of Vancouver, WA and share so many more fun adventures! I may even start a new series called “hands-on!” Where I carry a go-pro during those episodes! Who knows!

We’re super excited and feeling incredibly blessed by Kylan’s ability to work with a computer and WiFi. Thanks for being so encouraging and supportive, friends and family!


We just left Pinnacles National Park in California.


The Face Behind Brecky Breck: Breck Johnson